Nashville + Fellow Vinylytes,
We are ecstatic to announce Nashville Record Pressing (NRP), a GZ Media Company, is officially setting up shop in Nashville. Our pilot operations have begun with full record pressing set to begin in May. Production will ramp up, hitting a maximum capacity exceeding 20 million records per year by the Fall of 2023. At full capacity, we plan to employ over 250 people. We believe that our choice to lay roots in Nashville will be good for music, good for the music business, and good for Music City.
As demand for vinyl records continues to grow, the need for pressing capacity has grown as well. Our customers have asked us to produce more and more vinyl for them, and specifically to locate that production in Nashville. The decision to launch NRP was simple; the city’s status as both music hub and distribution hub, in addition to bringing operations closer to our family of customers and collaborators, provides an ideal location for the new plant.
Utilizing equipment and technology currently in operation across our sister companies, NRP’s team is building a technically evolved and future-focused pressing plant that will be a source of pride for Nashville and its music community.
We are devoted to creating a unique company culture, one that breathes life into our employees. Feeling appreciated, supported, and heard is a baseline standard within Nashville Record Pressing’s walls.
We’re grateful for the support we’ve received from Tennessee and the warm welcome we’ve received from the community. We’re here to be a vital contributing member of this community, and Nashville’s favorite vinyl pressing plant.